Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Introductions and Such

Hello, all! I have finally decided to venture into the blogging world. 

This is me. 

Do I know what I am doing?


In other words, please forgive me if you are an avid blogger.  Ha, I almost put booger.  See what I mean? Can you tell I'm an elementary school teacher???

I will predominately be talking education in the blog, but as is the life of a teacher, many things compete for my brain space.  I am sure some of these things will make their way on to this page.  To be honest, you can't be a teacher, a good teacher, without it being a part of who you are as a person.  And as a person, I enjoy quite a few things that are not typically a part of my classroom, such as playing the piano, sleeping, and traveling.  Unfortunately, it seems that those higher on the educational food chain believe we would operate best as robots in a vacuum.  Morons. Oops.  I guess that's not the polite way to say that...

Please understand: This blog will be therapeutic. As the title indicates, I am in NO WAY a perfect teacher.  For now, I do the best I can with the information and resources that I have, and if I learn better, then I do better.  I am not looking to spark a political debate or even have a heated discussion.  I just want a place to reflect on teaching (with a little bit of humor) and show that teachers are not perfect.  Even if we try really, really hard.   And that's okay.

For now,  let me leave you with this inspired gem from today's early dismissal. :)

We've all been there.
P.S. Comments are most definitely welcome.  If you are a teacher reading this, tell me what you'd like to talk about!

P.P.S.  I just got the call that school is cancelled for tomorrow due to inclement weather. Someone's been praying!

P.P.P.S.  It wasn't me.


1 comment:

  1. LOVE this blog. I am looking forward to hearing more from you, dear girl! Vicki McKamey
